Meet the kids


It was an unrelenting fever that set off alarm bells for Ethan’s mum.

19 days of persistent fevers, a misdiagnosis, and numerous tests led doctors to share the devastating news...

Ethan had Pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Requiring immediate medical attention, Ethan’s world was turned upside down…

Relocating to Sydney for his treatments, Ronald McDonald House in Randwick was a lifeline for Ethan’s family.

For over 235 days, the house has been a source of support for Ethan’s family while they have been caring for their little boy.

He's been very brave, but his journey to recovery is not over yet…

So, will YOU walk for sick kids like Ethan?



Presenting to the hospital with high temperatures, distended stomach, and loss of appetite, Hudson's parents, Alyssa and Matthew, were unsure of what they were about to face. 

After numerous blood tests, x-rays as well as ultrasounds, doctor's were quick to come to a heart-breaking conclusion.

Hudson had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (t-cell). 

With a 9-month expected stay at the house, Alyssa says "This was our saving grace. We couldn't afford to stay in a motel or rent out a new place. The support we have received is second to none." 

Hudson continues to smash through his treatment with the biggest smile and with strong hopes of moving out to the farm and participating in his favourite activites. 

So, will YOU walk for sick kids like Hudson?



At just 2 months old, Aviana’s parents were told that she’d be lucky to see her first birthday...

Diagnosed with severe spinal muscular atrophy, it was a life-altering moment for the McElwee family. 

During her treatments, Aviana has called Ronald McDonald House in Randwick ‘home’, with her longest stay totalling 4 months. 

This cutie even spent her first Christmas at the house!

Her mum shared, ‘The kindness and generosity shown to us was something we will never forget...I think Avi met Santa about 72 times!”.

Aviana is now part of a medical trial that could one day allow her to move independently.

Despite the challenges she’s faced Aviana has shown remarkable strength and resilience over the years.

So, will YOU walk for sick kids like Aviana?



Leni’s parents, Trev and Carly, were heartbroken when their three-day-old newborn had to undergo surgery to repair her stomach.

During the procedure, they were given even more devastating news...

Leni would have to be urgently transferred to Sydney for an emergency tracheostomy. 

So far, Leni has bravely endured complication after complication with her condition.

For Trev and Carly, access to welcoming accommodation and the warm community of staff of Ronald McDonald House in Randwick made all the difference during their 60-night stay. 

Leni still has a way to go with reconstructive surgery planned for her throat in the near future. 

She’s had to be so resilient through every setback…

But having her family with her in the house has kept a smile on her little face. 

So, will YOU walk for sick kids like Leni?


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