Red Hot Chilli Steppers

Walk Me Home 2025

Support our 25km walk for sick kids

On Sunday 30 March, we're walking 25km for seriously ill and injured children and their families.

For sick kids staying at Ronald McDonald House in Randwick, they just want their families close as they battle childhood diseases, illnesses and injuries.

On average, it costs $160 to support a sick child and their family for one night.

Please support our 25km walk to keep families together as they face the most difficult journey of their lives. 

Together, we can show these brave kids that we're fighting for them.

Thank you.


So far, this year we've provided:


Nights for sick kids and their families


Hot meals from the family kitchen


School lessons for sick kids

Our Achievements

Our Team Members

Thank you to our Sponsors


Omeo Qld

Go girl, great cause 🙏🏼


Richard Joyner

What a great effort!


Rakesh Chauhan

A wonderful cause and I wish you the best on the walk and the rest of the Red hot chilli steppers


Kim Faulkner-hogg

It's a wonderful cause you are participating in Neelam.


Anne Swain

All the very best for your walk for this worthy cause


Dorothy Hickman

Good on you Neelam. Do up your laces, wear a hat and smile at passing cars (who may stop and give you a lift).


Michele Sweeney

Great cause


Bradley Watt

What a great initiative. Good on you Shelley for supporting such a worthy cause.


Denise & Colin Webb

Best Wishes and well done for a great cause.


Kathy And Rory Edwards

So proud of you all - we will be there at the end to cheer you. 🦏🦏


Quirk And Groch Family


Nav Pun

Great worthy cause


Jerome Hough

Love ❤️ u Mum


Liz And Tony

Go team! Especially Shelley x



Cheering you on, great cause!!!


Kamal Pun

Great cause, wishing you all the best!


Melody Talbot

Well done Shelley. What a wonderful cause and I hope a great walk.




Jill Stewart


Linda W


Sarah Seczkowski


Michelle Howland


Amanda Birchall

So incredibly grateful, as I know our amazing second home at RMH will be, for everything you are all doing to raise money for one of the most incredible charities. Go team!!!!!


Peter Daly



Great cause 👏 xx


Leesa Tongoulidis

You are amazing!


Meera Samani

Best of luck! Wonderful cause!


Meera Samani

Best of luck! Wonderful cause!


Carolyn Kinnaird

Good luck ! Great cause!


Kate Andrews

Good luck Shelley, great cause


Christine Mcintosh


Jo Ann

All the best!!


Janis Schofield


Michelle Y


Peter And Linda Mccoy

So proud of you Neelam


Neelam Pun

Let's go team!


Mitchell Stark


Christine Tsolakis

All the best Neelam! Great cause.


H Williams


Sharon Trueman

Well done Neelam great cause !



Great work Red Hot Chilli Steppers. Goodluck


Pat & Kevin Morgan

Good on you Shelley. Such a great cause and a lovely tribute. Lots of love. Pat & Kev


Tracy Dickerson

Well done Shelley!




Ian Nicol

Great cause, good luck, one step at a time. 💪


Sue Carmichael

Well done Shelley 😊


Brett Lyons

Go Sadhna! Great cause.


Bill Harrold


Bart Druitt


Diana Bethune

Go beautiful Shell. You're amazing ✨


Mags Mullarkey

Good luck Sadhna to you and your team, a very worthwhile cause


Peter Mccoy

Good luck!!


Ted Foster

Happy to help.


Lee Bowles


Caroline Lew

Fabulous Cause


Kris O’sullivan

Go team





Great initiative. Well done Neelam.


Ari Gerasimou

Go Shelley!! Great cause


Rajshri Roy

Well done, Neelam. Such a wonderful cause. You are a beautiful and thoughtful person.


Jessica Robinson


Danielle Naylor

You’re amazing! Go girl!


Malcolm Forsyth

Go Shelley


Virginia Vine


Jacky Deadman


Wendy Hemingway

Great job Ladies.


Erin Craft

Go Shelley and The Steppers!


Karina Morgan

So amazing! Go you red hot thing 🌶️



All the best with the walk-hope the Sketchers hold up


Matched By Generous Donors



Such a great cause! All the best, Neelam!


Wendy Li






Helen Vanloon


Shirley Ohlback

Great charity to raise funds for 💕


Shirley Ohlback

Well deserved charity to raise funds for.


Victoria Yershova


Elizabeth Lee From Hkh

Hi Neelam All the best for your great intention and I'm very proud of you! Cheers Elizabeth 🙂


Bronwyn Griffiths



Good luck with the walk!



Good luck, Shelley!!


Dana Mahia


Laura Risti

Amazing cause and you’re amazing for doing this! Xo


Sandra Bauerhuit


Scarlett Seczkowski



Vruchi Vasudevan

Awesome stuff Neelam. Good luck


Val Poulter


Jonathan Yeo


Margaret Bartholomew


Kiran Gordhan

Great cause Neelam! All the best!


Kiran Gordhan

Good luck Puaji, such a great cause!